Hero image

Miss Else's Classroom

I have been teaching History to students aged 11-18 for almost twenty years in an all ability high school. As I spend most of my day in the classroom, I want it to be an inspiring place. The prices reflect the time and effort in creating and editing the resource.

I have been teaching History to students aged 11-18 for almost twenty years in an all ability high school. As I spend most of my day in the classroom, I want it to be an inspiring place. The prices reflect the time and effort in creating and editing the resource.
Thriving in Senior School Posters

Thriving in Senior School Posters

A set of ten posters to explain why students experience stress and some tips for minimizing this. This is used in my room as a display item with ideas such as: knowing your course, planning study, living with intention, caring for yourself and planning your future pathway. It encourages students to be proactive about senior school and to develop good habits for school and life.
Room Posters for High School

Room Posters for High School

A pack of ten classroom posters featuring student and teacher-focused themes, including fast finishers, quotes from Atomic Habits, and joining clubs. All images used were sourced freely online.